I live a quiet life with relatively few visitors. My dogs are well behaved in the house and they are good quiet neighbors, only barking when there really is something needing my attention in the yard. BUT, when someone comes to visit, they all lose their minds. And, Ranger is the most obnoxious of all. It's really quite embarrassing. The girls are bad enough barking their fool heads off. Then there's Bubba. He greets visitors by barking his head off, wagging his tail like crazy, and bouncing off of the visitors bodies like a swim racer doing a turn, pushing off of a wall. If the visitor is elderly, he could do some real damage.
The problem is, that even though he's being obnoxious, he's so charming and enthusiastic in his greeting that the visitors are reluctant to correct him. In public and at dog shows he's a perfect gentleman, but at home...I have visitors coming today who are dog people. They are going to receive instructions about correcting him when he greats them. Sometimes even dog people are reluctant to correct another person's dog without prior permission. If you visit me, please, please, feel free to correct my overly friendly dogs.
Show Quality Female Puppy in BC
9 years ago
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