Monday, March 02, 2009

Ranger/Sue working on retrieves

The average layperson wouldn't think that you'd need to work with retrievers on retrieving, but actually, if you want them to have more than a prey-driven instinctual retrieve some training is beneficial.

I've been working with Sue on scent articles, and Ranger has been begging for me to train him, so I sort of combined two training sessions into one. Sue got to work on scent discrimination, while Ranger worked on retrieving something that wasn't moving and hadn't been either thrown or shot for him.

Sue is coming along nicely. I wish I had more time at home to work with her. We'll just continue using the time we have and we'll get there when we get there. Ranger on the other hand had a great AHA moment.

Up to this point he's been great with "hold" and "take it" from my hand, but only in a passive way. My goal was for him to start actively going after the retrieving article, and he, for the first time, got it! Yeah! He even warned Sue away from his turn to fetch. Sue does like to steal all of the work around here, especially if the paycheck is food.

Ceilidh got in a couple of good scent articles reps as well. I don't like to leave her out. She likes to get the attention connected with training, even if she'd rather be fetching her ball.

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