Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Paper Girls

There's a new morning routine at our house, paper fetching. I trained Ceilidh to do this for me years ago, then stopped my subscription to the paper. That meant no paper fetching for a few years.

Recently, I decided to subscribe to the "local" paper again as a reaction to newspapers closing their doors in a few cities this year. I don't really have time to read a paper, nor do I particularly like this particular paper over any others, but it's just about as local as you can get around here, and I'd like for it to continue to be available in print form for a few more years.

Now, both Sue and Ceilidh want to fetch the paper in the morning. I've resorted to having them take turns every other morning. One dog runs out and gets the paper, hands it off to the other dog in the house, who then delivers it to hand. Both dogs then get a cookie for their hard work, with the dog who didn't get to do the outrun getting the first treat, since waiting is the hardest job of all. The girls are learning to enjoy the new routine and I'm actually getting to read the paper every other day or so and it also gives me fuel for the charcoal starter chimney.

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