Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ranger& Sadie Take it up a Notch -Best in Show

Today, I got some wonderful news from Oregon. Ranger, AKA Bubbalicious, AKA Ch Javahill's Backwoods Boy, RN along with his Jr. Handler, Mercedes Messer, got a Best in Show at the Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club show. The news made me so proud! He is such a special dog!

I never even dreamed of this moment, and here it is and I wasn't there to see it or take pictures. He's been away for a month now. I miss him like crazy. He's more than just a pretty boy. He's my best bud, my hunting partner, and a huge presence in my life outside of the show ring. Just watching him run around the yard sometimes takes my breath away.

Can a dog have a sense of humor? If they can then Ranger definitely does. I often find myself anthropomorphizing what I imagine his thoughts might be. When I get home from work in the evening, he greets me at the door, woo wooing his joy that I'm finally home. He loves just hanging out with me on the couch or doing anything, as long as he's getting attention. When I heard he got the group, I told a friend that he was in for a long day. Her response was, "Don't worry, he'll be fine. It's all about him and he loves that."

When I'm training him it's hard to really be serious, because he gets a twinkle in his eye that seems to say, "Come on! look at me! you know I don't need to do that!" On the other hand, he learns things really quickly and if I have trouble communicating what I want from him and then we finally get it he gets a look that says "Well, why didn't you say that in the first place?" He's happy to do just about anything you ask long as it makes sense to him, that is. He is a Toller after all.

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